Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thank You for the Bibles.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for the quick responce to our request for bibles for new believers. We have enough funds now for about 400 new bibles.

One of the pastors has started a 12 lesson discipleship training course for new believers and everyone who completes the course will recieve a new bible.

Any other donations are welcome and will be used for regular operating expences, local Jesus Film Festivals cost about $50 each, most of that is fuel expences for our generator and truck, it costs more if we have to travel out of the Bo area.

We are planning a larger Festival in December or early next year where we will also have to rent a stadium/soccer field and will involve many churches. Please pray for direction as we move forward to win the lost for Jesus Christ.
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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jesus Film Festival @ Praise Assembly of God Church, New London, Bo, Sierra Leone

Because of the rains we are still limited to indoor venues for our Jesus Film Festivals. We are looking forward to the dry season where we can reach many more people with open air showings. Posted by Picasa

Some choose to watch from outside the church.

Many times people choose to watch from outside the church, I think some people are afraid to enter the church because of other religious affiliations. "Come on in there's plenty of room inside, we built this church so you could come to Jesus".
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Pray, Pray, Pray for the people of Sierra Leone

Some people have commented about the success we have had here in the short time we've been in Sierra Leone, the fact is here people are so hungry for something that will work in their lives that many come to Christ very easily, the problem is why they come to Christ and how they percieve that decision. Many make that decision because they expect to get some material thing from the organization, so many here are so poor and desperate. Others add Jesus to their long list of beliefs like another lucky charm to go with the witch-craft, animism, Islam, secret societies, etc; thankfully a few actually recieve Christ and began a relationship with him and grow in their faith. So you see it's kind of like in the U.S. but people are more desperate here. the great thing here though, is that many people have nothing to do and if you show a film they will come so more and more people hear the gospel message. We have added an incentive to the program by offering a new bible to anyone who accepts Christ at 1 of our film festivals and completes a 12 lesson discipleship training, I believe this will be a success because everyone wants a bible and they are out of the price range of most of the people, we're hoping the people will began to get grounded in their faith in Christ, many of their wrong perceptions about Him will be corrected, and that they will become a part of the church where the classes are held as they attend and began relationships with other believere there. Please pray for the success of this new program.
If you would like to help with the expense of thie outreach it costs about $50 to put on one of our Jesus Film Festivals locally (more as we move further out from Bo during the dry season).
Bibles are about $6 each for the graduates of the discipleship training. Posted by Picasa

Praise Assembly of God Church, New London

NEWS FLASH: This old X-Rock & Roller has finely found a place where you can turn up the volume as loud as you want and nobody cares.
I LOVE THIS PLACE!Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pastor Amos & Danny Challenge the Audience to Trust Jesus Christ to Forgive Their Sins & Give Them A New Life

Bo #2 Extention, Sierra Leone
We stop the film near the end and challenge the people to except Jesus Christ's forgiveness and the new life He promices us when we believe Him. By the time we finished each night there were too many people in the church to seperate the people that wanted to recieve Jesus and pray with them, so we asked them to just pray where they were and commited them to the Lord. The folowing Sunday after the 3 day Film Festival there were 40 new people attending the church.
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Pastor Amos of Fresh Hope Ministries International Church, with Cindy & Danny

Children watch & wait anticipating the night's show.Posted by Picasa

Inside Fresh Hope Ministries International Church the Show is Starting

The audience is attentively watching as we start the show. By the time we finished the place was packed so that no one could even move.Posted by Picasa

Jesus Film Festival @ Fresh Hope Ministries International

Every eye is on the screen as the gospel of Jesus Christ is portraied in the film.Posted by Picasa