Saturday, July 16, 2011

In Loving Memory of Chief Daddy Boc

Chief Daddy Boc
with neighborhood children

Chief Daddy Boc, Cindy & Pastor Alex

Bokarie & Sela Bokarie & Santos

Remembering a great Man, Chief Daddy Boc

In Loving Memory of Chief Daddy Boc

True friends are rare and hard to find, I think sometimes they find you, and sometimes in the strangest situations and places; this was the case with my friend Chief Daddy Boc (Bokarie Momoh). I had certainly bit off more than I could chew with my decision to move for a year to Sierra Leone, West Africa but God is faithful in providing just what we need just when we need it. What I needed was a friend like Chief Daddy Boc, he wasn’t a chief when I met him but from the first It was apparent that he was destined for greatness and he was a man of understanding beyond his peers.

If you’ve been a follower of this blog especially during the time Cindy & I were living in Africa you have heard of how God blessed us and worked in us and through us in Africa. I made a point to try and report the events in our lives as they happened and not exaggerate what was happening or how we felt in our time there. There is one thing that was unintentionally understated in every report we made to the blog and in our email to friends back home and that was how important to our work, sanity and safety was Chief Daddy Boc. Every film showing, Bokarie arranged for the equipment to be loaded and guarded when necessary. Every time we traveled he was our security, he found the people to keep our vehicle working, our electric working, water supplied, and every need met.

Bokarie was a follower of Jesus Christ who served God with a servant’s heart and with all his strength. Sometimes after Cindy & I returned to the USA I would talk to Boc on the phone and he would tell me about our neighbors and friends in Sierra Leone, I always wanted to return if only for a few weeks to relive the adventures with Chief Daddy Boc and our brothers & sisters there, but this week I learned Chief Daddy Boc has gone on to be with Jesus. He had a tooth removed and his mouth was infected, after suffering for a while in Bo and the pain and swelling getting worse, he was taken to the hospital in Freetown where he died. What a tragedy, over and over in Sierra Leone I’ve heard similar stories where someone dies from something that people just don’t die from any more in my world (USA) where medical treatment is readily available.

I will miss you Chief Daddy Boc, thank you for being the best friend a man could ask for.

Rev. D