Friday, September 25, 2009

10 People recieve Jesus Christ at Patama Village Church "There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over 1 sinner who repents."

Luke 15:10 is just as true today as the day Jesus first spoke those words. God has given us great favor with the people of Sierra Leone and we have already seen 100's commit their lives to Jesus Christ after only 3 Jesus Film Festivals. The work has been close to home and in areas that have a church already established to disciple the new believers. Pray that God will give us wisdom to reach areas that have no church, and that Jesus Christ will also raise up workers to teach the people God's word so they too can live lives victorious over sin and pleasing to God.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Front steps of Miriah Assembly of God Church

Posted by PicasaChurches in Africa are built where ever land is available. This one is a long way off the main road and in the middle of a "housing development" as we would call it. We have been to a few churches located like this, the Spirit of the Lord draws people inspite of the location.

AG church in Kabbi Town next to Bo

View from the main doors looking towards the altar area.Posted by PicasaDanny was the guest preacher this day. With all these large windows the breeze made it very pleasant even in the heat.

Miriah Assembly of God September 2009

Posted by PicasaThis church is in a very nice area, what we would call the suburbs. Very nice single family houses all around. Pray for God to use these people to impact this community. The presence of God was so strong here today. He had a special word for the children of this church. Please pray for them as they are our future leaders in the church.

Miriah Assembly of God in Kabbi Town

This church just had thier opening celebration a few weeks ago. A MAPS crew helped the people by working with them on putting up a tabernacle and they have added to it. They want to add a second story over the part where we are standing.
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Danny showing off the new hat

Just got home from the doctor, can you imagine an emergency trip to the hospital, stitches, x-rays, reading the x-rays, a quick trip to the grocery store and being home in less than 3 hours? God is so good. Even in the midst of it I was at peace, that's good because I (Cindy) was the ambulance driver so to speak. The neighborhood was a buzz when they saw me driving.Posted by Picasa

Danny's new skull cap

I saw the wound before the stitches, but I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see how the doctor can put this humpty dumpty back together again.Posted by Picasa

Danny's head wound

This is not blood, it is what the doctor put on it today when he took off the bandage. He said he forgot to count the stitches. He got a kick out of the whole affair. We all had a good laugh together. Today we brought the doctor 2 large and one small box of medical supplies. He has a clinic and hospital with an operating room. We got a tour so we could see how he would put all the supplies to use. He remarked this is just like Christmas! We were very excited to help him, I just wish we had met under different circumstances. There is such need for everything here. I wish we could do more.
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Cindy's First Sermon

Posted by PicasaPastor Kpewa's wife Jestina interpreted for me. My first message was based on Matthew 7:13-14 The Narrow Gate. We need to decide as Christians how to behave and what things we will tolerate in our lives, but we need to remember; small is the gate and difficult the road that leads to eternal life and few there be that find it. It went well for my first time. Praise the Lord!


Posted by PicasaPastor Lahai, BK, and Danny in front of Praise Assembly of God church in New London. (Next to Bo)

side view of Praise AG September 2009

This is the side of the church that faces the parsonage. The front half of the church is now being finished, finishing the walls and roof.Posted by Picasa

Praise Assembly of God building

Another shot of the half of the church under construction.Posted by Picasa

Praise Assembly of God Parsonage

Pastor Lahai, is a forward thinker, he wants to have this parsonage so the church will be able to offer the pastor a nice place to live and the cost will only be paid once instead of yearly rent being raised every year. Right now it is being used as Sunday School space.

Inside currently at Praise AG

The temporary wall will be replaced as the other half of the sanctuary is completed. This back part will be the home of our second Youth Development Computer Training Center. We are helping them purchase materials to finish the walls and roof and a couple of other things in exchange for space for our center. The Pastor will be available for discipleship training. We are so excited as we are partnering to build the Kingdom of God! This church already has a lot of youth attending. Pray God will open many doors and bless this work!
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Monday, September 14, 2009

Posted by PicasaWe don't work all the time, Danny is cleaning live shrimp. These are river shimp and huge! Our friends at the auto spares store (auto parts) gave them to us. They are so delicious, they taste like and have the texture of lobster. We made them into garlic and butter shrimp and also shrimp stir fry. There are some real perks to Africa!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mende Church Kpatama, Sierra Leone

Pastor Alex lives on our street in Bo#2, he is the Pastor of this and 2 other close churches. These are village churches. When you think of Africa and music this is the church you have in your mind. We will be filming one of thier services so you can see and hear for yourself.
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We were able to bring some new and used clothing out to this church. They love us here, they call us the Mom and Dad of thier church. They have made us lunch two different times when we have come to visit thier service. Native rice, (purple in color) and fish with a tomato sauce over it. It was delicious! This church is a wooden structure with mud packed in between the wood, a dirt floor and Zinc roof.
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These are the four drummers for worship service. You will find at this church men sit on one side and woman on the other. Danny is hoping to buy one of the same kind of drums they use. It didn't show up in this picture, but it is a round long piece of wood with long slits cut in it and they play it using drum sticks while holding it between thier feet.
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These ladies play the native shakers. They are so good at it and make it look so easy. I hope I can learn to play it too! We will be having a three night Jesus Film Campaign in this village September 24-26, 2009. The villagers are already telling people about it. Pray for a harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God!
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Danny and Cindy up front enjoying the beautiful worship music. The ladies that play the shakers lead the worship sevice too. They have beautiful voices.
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Our young man who does laundry for us didn't show up today, so Danny decided to wash them himself and BK helped him. Cindy was busy working on finishing up her first sermon notes.
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Monday, September 7, 2009

Kids at the Sunday night Bible time in Bo #2

Posted by PicasaWe have a great time singing songs and learning about Jesus. You're looking at the future Pastor's, Evangelists, and Missionaries to Salone and the world. Jesus loved the little children and we do too!

We start off small but grow and grow each Sunday

Cindy is trying so hard to play the native shaker? I think any of these kids is better than her. It looks so easy when you see the locals play it.Posted by Picasa

We grew this night to about 40 or so.

Posted by PicasaDonatos is my interpreter tonight. He leads the class every other Sunday. He recently went forward at the Missions Convention here in Bo. He feels God call to be used as a Missionary. Please pray for him, he loves the Lord and is a blessing to us all. He is a young man still in High School. Because of the recent war, men up to age 25 are still finishing thier high school education.

Kodak moment, the "Pume Way" working!

Sometimes they let the white man work, usually they make him watch. While BK, Thomas Carter, and Mohomad help Danny build the forms for cement, A.B. and Mada clean the truck. Every time the truck gets dirty (in the rainy season that's whenever it leaves the yard) young men come over and wash it for us they are very concerned that our truck is clean. In America we would call the job they do "detailing" They are a blessing to us.Posted by Picasa