Monday, January 20, 2014


At Applebees today with Doyle & Dana Piper, after church on The Mount (Mount Olivet Assembly of God in Apple Valley, Minnesota. What a great service and a great couple with a big heart for missions, God bless you two; and God bless Pastor's Mark & Teresa Olson, thank you for letting us be a part of your family today.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Sunday Jan 19, Mt Olivet Assembly of God, Apple Valley, MN am service
Sunday Jan 26, Staples Assembly of God, Staples, MN am service
Thursday Jan 30, International Bible Givers 6:30 pm
(meets at Mt Olive Lutheran, 700 Western St, Anoka, MN)

Justice to the Nations

2 Corinthians 8:13 Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality. This is a shocking picture, it speaks of injustice in the world. The world is full of need and though there may be plenty for one many live without basic necessities. The most tragic need though is the need that so many have to hear for the first time the good news that God loves them, that Jesus died for the forgiveness of their sins. That the power of the gospel can bring hope & healing into their lives. The world needs Jesus and that's why we are going to Sierra Leone. Because everyone must hear, every village must have a church, the gospel brings justice and changes people and nations.
 2013 Kid's Christmas at Njai Town, Sierra Leone (2 photos)
For the last 3 years Cindy & I have partnered with the church at Njai Town to bring a meal and good news about Jesus to Children in that area. We're hoping to be there in person next year, see more on our website