Ever since we left Africa Danny has wanted to return. As you know Danny & I are co-pastoring a church in Wahkon and God has truly blessed us this past year, our congregation is small, it meets the bills of our building with a small stipend for us. God has used the generosity of other churches in our area for a modest support for us. This summer a temporary job opened up for Danny and by being frugal we have been able to save enough for his air fare to Sierra Leone, almost $2000. He has all the documents, shots and permission to go.
Before we left Sierra Leone we had discussed with some of the pastors a vision they had many years ago of starting a remote bible school. Pastors and students would do their course work in blocks as it fit into the planting and harvesting of crops. A qualified teacher, a pastor with biblical training, some of these men have or are working on their master’s degree in theology would go out to a centrally located city or village and they would hold bible school.
To help with this we are raising funds to purchase a motorcycle. They do have public transport but it would not be practical for this application. Our church has raised $800 toward the purchase of one of these 100cc motorbikes. The cost for one of these is roughly $1400 depending on the registration fees, and the rate of exchange.
We have stepped out and purchased the ticket to Sierra Leone, but Danny will need money for food, lodging, transportation etc. once he arrives. We left all of our equipment to hold the outdoor campaigns with the pastors and it has been used since we left. Danny plans to once again hold the Jesus Film Festivals we used to reach people for Jesus Christ when we lived there. We will need money for gas to power the generator and transport the gear. We sold our truck before we left Africa so we will need a vehicle to use too. As you can see we also are a bit short of purchasing a motorbike for the pastors to get back and forth to teach the classes.
Danny had given up on the idea of returning to Africa this year and then as God often does, He started opening doors and giving that gentle stirring. This is a huge step for Danny as his best friend Chief Daddy Bok went to heaven this year and Sierra Leone will not be the same without him. Sierra Leone is a scary place without the comfort of your best friend and guide. For me, Cindy, preaching three Sundays in a row is huge and leading our Tuesday night fellowship too. We both are stepping out in faith, but we know God will be with us, because it’s not about us it’s all about Jesus.
We are asking for your financial help to accomplish this outreach to a large amount of people who need to hear the gospel of Jesus before they slip into eternity. Danny will be leaving on January 4, 2012 and returning on January 27, 2012. Please pray for his health (He suffered with malaria for months after he returned last time.) Please pray for God’s divine appointments and direction. Pray that God would give him and the pastor’s wisdom as they set up this school. Most of all pray that the Holy Spirit would go before and prepare hearts for salvation.
Mille Lacs Living Water Church
P. O. Box 40
Wahkon, Minnesota 56386